プロジェクトカテゴリ : 映像・映画
Overview :
We will recruit an private astronaut and have him/her travel to the space by 2015.Everyone can apply to the contest.
The astronaut will be decided among all applicants on the TV show.
The winner of the contest will travel to the space by Virgi
Overview : We will recruit an privateastronaut and have him/her travel to the space by 2015.Everyone can apply to thecontest. The astronaut will be decided among all applicants on the TV show. The winner of the contestwill travel to the space by Virgin Galactic. http://www.virgingalactic.com/ We need to raise at leastUSD 200,000 for an airfare to the space. Funding period: 1 month/by the endof June,2013 Funding goal: USD 200,000 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SHIrM2O6BZA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
virgingalactic http://www.virgingalactic.com/ |
2013/07/20 に終了しました